Congratulations President Trump!
Kamala Harris’s gross mismanagement of the border crisis has directly facilitated the influx of illegal criminals into the United States while deliberately undermining ICE’s ability to enforce the law and protect American citizens.
Her actions are a severe dereliction of duty that warrants impeachment and raises legitimate questions of whether she has compromised national security in a manner that demands legal investigation at the highest level. -
VP 2021 - 2025
Supports Defunding the Police
Supports Police & Law Enforcement
Covered up the President's Illness
Wants to bring back Law & Order
Against voter IDs
Requires Voter IDs to ensure election integrity
2017 - 2021
Supports free healthcare for illegal aliens
Will deport illegal aliens
VP 2021 - 2025
Responsible for Border Security and Immigration During Administration
Supported Border Control & was Supported by Border Control Agencies
Over 15 Mil Illegal Aliens crossed the border
Less than 700 K Illegals crossed the border
Suspended Border Protection, Dismantled Wall
Built over 450 miles of Border Wall
150 + violent crimes committed
Prioritized Public Safety
2017 - 2021
$15 Billion < spent on Illegal Aliens
Prioritized Public Spending on Americans "America First"
VP 2021 - 2025
Wars During Her / His Administration
Unequivocally condemns Terrorist Hamas & Supports Israel
Ineffective "woke" Foreign Policy on Ukraine
Created Peace in the Middle East
Does not Support Israel in Hammas Conflict
Supported Israel & moved US Embassy
Unclear and Confusing Foreign Policy
0 Wars the US was involved in
2017 - 2021
Thinks US is strategic allies with North Korea
Knows international affairs and US interests
2025 - 2029
Continue to Ban Fracking
Continue the Tax on Tips
Continue to DeFund the Police
Continue with an Open Southern Border
Continue to Tax Social Security
Artificial (gov) Price Controls for Groceries (Communist pricing method)
Equity based gov subsidies (Marxist/Communist Social Support)
Artificial (gov) Price Controls for Gas (Communist pricing method)
Continue Income Tax Reduction implemented by Trump
Supports 44.6% capital gains tax proposal
Supports 25% tax on unrealized gains
Government Mandated Firearm Buyback Program
Defund Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Government-Run Insurance to Replace Private Insurance
Decriminalize Illegal Border Crossing & Evasion of Border Control
Harsher Penalties for Illegal Border Crossings & Evasion of Border Control
Deportation of Undocumented Persons (Not Necessarily *Illegal Immigrants)
Eliminate All Tax on Overtime Pay
2025 - 2029
Given Kamala Harris's shifting stance on various policies, we have focused on those she has consistently supported over the most prolonged period, even though some may contradict her more recent statements since being named the Democratic Presidential Candidate.
*For clarification on immigration related terminology, visit
Kamala Harris
Looking Back on
Donald Trump
Demonstrated Grossly Incompetent or traitor-like results not securing the US borders.
Failed to protect the American border for 3 years. Cause is either due to incompetence (wanted to but could not), or treason (did not want to on purpose). - BCH1
Perceived as a Liar & Manipulator
Lied to the American people and covered up President Biden's health status. - LH1
Demonstrates Racist like behavior
Behavior mimicking American black culture when speaking to/about blacks is the verbal equivalent of blackface - RH1
Perceived as Overambitious Careerist
She demonstrated a relentless ambition to get ahead, engaging in inappropriate workplace relationships and having affairs that contributed to the breakdown of families. Her career was significantly advanced by a married lover and superior with whom she had an affair, raising serious ethical concerns about her rise to power. H0
Looks like a Disloyal Opportunist
As a local candidate in California, Harris emphasized her Indian heritage to connect with the Indian voting population. However, as a presidential candidate, she has downplayed this identity, instead highlighting her Jamaican and Irish roots to appeal to Black voters. While race should not be a determining factor in elections, Harris’s selective identification raises concerns. If a candidate chooses to identify with one racial background over others, and shifts this identification based on political convenience, it can be perceived as untrustworthy and chameleon-like behavior. H1 H2 H3
Uninformed and acts as Dumb
Displays fundamental lack of knowledge on basic topics while attempting to "mansplain" them to the American voters. H4
The only President who's net worth decreased throughout his presidency
First President entering the White House in support of gay marriage
Praised by by Jessie Jackson in 1999 for his commitment to minorities and inner city youth B1
Helped individual farmers in need during financial crisis
Remained stead-fast on his views and changed political affiliations when the Democratic Party betrayed those values.
Hard on crime, enforces law and order and supports the police.
Admitted he likes kissing pretty women vs ugly women
Admitted he takes advantage of the tax opportunities like any other person on either side of the political spectrum, while noting that legislation
has the power to change the tax code anytime they want.
Values loyalty and despises spineless unamerican behavior.
Supports the troops and US veterans
Admitted he is not a seasoned politician tainted with the political restrictions all Presidents to date have been
Removed classified documents as President and stored them at a secure location guarded by the secret service.
Promotes Radical Woke Ideology WK
Abuses the power of her office and flaunts about it. KA
Imposter as the Democratic Presidential Candidate
An actual imposter as the Democrat elect for two critical reasons
1.) ONLY 1% of Democrats supported her during the Primaries
2.) Was nominated as the Democrat Presidential candidate without anyone voting for her during the primaries.
Continued Economic Instability and Turmoil potentially aggravated by introducing her communist-like Marxist principals into economic policy
Continued stagnant Inflation at the risk of worsening into a depression
Continue Increase of Housing Cost / Prices and Interest Rates
Continued High Gas Prices
Continued erosion of the PetroDollar
Continued Unsecured Border
Continued Invasion-like Flooding of Immigrants
Continued erosion of Public Safety
Continued deterioration of Global Security and Increase of Wars with a likely potential for WW III
Continued lack of accountability for the current socio-economic environment
Continued inefficient government operations, mishandling of funds and overspending
Continued compromised federal elections
Economic Stability
Reduced Inflation
Stable Housing Market / Prices
Lower Interest Rates
Lower Gas Prices
Secured Borders
Controlled Immigration
Increased Public Safety
Fiscal and Administrative Accountability
Streamlined Government Operations
Streamlined Government Operations
Global Economic and Political Stability
Regaining the USD strength Internationally
Secured Elections via Voter ID, etc.
Continued policy that non-citizens and non-residents can vote in local elections.
2018 NBC Incorrectly reported that Trump stayed home at Christmas time, the first US president since 2002, instead of visiting troops.
Trump and First Lady Milania Trump left the White House on Christmas Day to visit the Troops in Iraq.
On Thanksgiving Newsweek falsley reported that Trump was spending the holiday golfing at his Florida resort.
Trump flew to Afghanistan on Thanksgiving to be with the Troops, making him the only president in US history to visit troops in a combat zone on both holidays.
CNN Claimed that Nancy Sinatra was not happy that her father's song was played at Trumps inaguration.
Nancy Sinatra commented on Twitter "That's not true. I never said that. Why do you lie, CNN?"
Time reported that Trump removed the bust statue of Martin Luther King from the Oval Office.
That report was fabricated and false.
TMZ Reported that Trump changed Black History Month to African American History Month.
President Obama, Bush and Clinton all called it African American History Month.
That report was fabricated and false.
BBC, The Guardian and others reported that Trump was bothering to listen to a speech by Italy's Prime Minister, since he wasn't wearing translation headphones.
Turns out he was wearing a translation earpiece, in the opposite ear. That footage was cut from the report.
Newsweek and others reported that Poland's First Lady refused to shake Trumps hand.
Later had to admit that she did, since the last part of the footage was cut from the original report.
CNN edited Trumps remarks to make it seem like that he didn't realize Japan builds cars in the U.S.
The full unedited statement made clear that he does.
Newsweek reported that Ivanka Trump plagiarized one of her own speeches.
That is impossible, since plagiarizing means stealing someone else's work without proper recognition.
The New York Times, AP, CNN and other excerpted a Trump comment as if he called ALL illegal immigrants animals.
The unedited version shows that Trump was referring to the murderous MS - 13 gang.
The New York Times Magazine and CNN shared a story showing children illegally brought into the U.S. in supposedly in cages.
The original article and photos were from the Obama administration.
Agene France-Presse mistakenly reported that more than a 100,000 children brought in by illegal immigrants were held in detention.
That was actually the total number in 2015 under the Obama administration.
Time and others showed a crying Honduran child to illustrate Trump's separating illegal immigrant parents from children.
The child has never been separated from the parents in the U.S.
MSNBC falsley clamed that Trump banned the Red Cross from visiting immigrant children.
The Red Cross said that was not true.
NBC News misidentified the focus of Trump's praise in a speech as Confederate General Robert E Lee.
Actually, in the unedited version, Trump was talking about the Union General Ulysses S Grant.
The Washington Post and others reported that Trump supporting pro-life catholic high school students were the aggressors in a confrontation in Washington D.C.
The report was false.
Several news outlets featured an empty podium at Trump's 4th of July celebration in 2019 and said he didn't draw crowds.
The photo was in-fact taken before the event. Photo's of the event show a huge crowd.
The New York times and others implied the Trump hadn't paid income taxes for 18 years.
The record shows that he paid a higher rate than democrats Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama.
Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal reported that special counsel Robert Mueller had subpoenaed Trumps bank records.
That later turned out not to be true.
Politico reported that Trump owed the Bank of China tens of millions of dollars on a loan coming due as he dealt with China on the Corona Virus.
Not True
MSNBC falsely reported that Trump had loans with Russian co-signers. claimed that a Russian bank server had been illicitly communicating with Trump Tower.
Not only the Russia collusion rumors were put the rest with the Muller report, the report implicated the DNC and the Hillary campaign for instigating its fabrication.
New York Times, CNN, MSNBC and many others falsely reported that the Hunter Biden laptop story was unsubstantiated or Russian disinformation.
The New York times falsely reported that Trump seized on hydroxychloroquine as a miracle cure.
Trump never said that. In fact, he said it may work, it may not work.
CNN and others criticized Trump for tweeting that Alabama would likely be effected by Hurricane Dorian.
Official advisories had put Alabama in an impacted area. tweeted that Trump suggested he'd been a 911 first responder.
He said the opposite. "I was down there also, but I'm not considering myself a first responder".
Multiple media falsely claimed that Trump was golfing during the US raid that captured the head of ISIS in Syria, and that the White House photo was staged.
Trump in-fact was at the White House.
ABC aired video showing what it called slaughter against Kurds by Turkey after Trump withdrew US troops.
The video was a filed tape of a training show in the U.S.
USA Today connected the eagle on a Trump campaign T-shirt with a Nazi Eagle.
USA Today later admitted that the eagle is a longtime US symbol too.
TRIAL IN NEW YORK - Non-disclosure paid to Stormy Daniels from personal acct.
Judge selection - rigged, was not random, a known anti-Trump judge was selected - no recusal
Jury selection - rigged, trial held in NYC, jurrors were asked if they voted for Biden (only)
Charges - rigged., The court and DA did not have Jurisdiction over Federal crime
Charge - should've paid from campaign $
Judge did not allow campaign finance expert
Misdemeanor - Statue of Limitation expired
Tied it to a federal crime (not named in trial)

Trump Defense Team

Charged that the Non-Disclosure agreement paid for by Trump to Stormy Daniels should have been paid from the Campaign Funds and NOT Trump's personal account, because it contributed to Trumps election image.
NOT TRUE! That is not how campaign finance regulation works, it is based on the nature of the payment. The judge did not allow the Campaign finance expert to testify. HOWEVER, even if it were true, it is a misdemeanor (as it was for Hillary Clinton), when she and the DNC only had to pay a fine.
Tied the misdemeanor to a federal crime to elevate it to a crime and go around the expired Statued of Limitations.
Trump was never charged or convicted with a federal crime, and the local DA and the court had no jurisdiction to charge and try and convict on a federal crime (that jurisdiction is reserved for federal prosecutors and federal courts.
Since there was no agreement by the Jury on the charge, the Judge gave the Jurry an unprecedented instruction, "If four of you agree on one felony, four more of you agree on an other felony and four more agree on a third underlying felony we'll aggregate that together and agree that you all agree with the underlying felony.
In essence the Judge reduced the number of jurors to 4. This allowed the state misdemeanor charge, which statue of limitations expired to be elevated to a federal crime. The Federal Electoral Commission already investigated this charge in 2018, and ruled there was no issue.
Random judge selection was supposed to happen of the 24 sitting judges. None were selected. Instead an "Acting" Judge was selected for 3 cases against Trump. In Summary: an Acting Judge, not within the pool of standard judges, who happens to be a Stop-Trump donor was randomly selected for anti-Trump 3 cases within the same year.
The judge refused to recuse himself, even though the numerous conflicts of interest were pointed out to him. He continued to refuse after his daughter's anti-trump political activity and her potential financial benefit from a guilty verdict were pointed out.
The Judge granted almost every ask to the prosecution, and denied almost every request from the Defense.
Defense requested to have Campaign Finance expert to testify on the charges - denied. Defense requested the Jury to be given clear instructions on the charges - denied. Defense requested to specify the Federal charge the misdemeanors are tied to - Denied.
CNN edited Trumps remarks to make it seem like that he didn't realize Japan builds cars in the U.S.
The full unedited statement made clear that he does.
Newsweek reported that Ivanka Trump plagiarized one of her own speeches.
That is impossible, since plagiarizing means stealing someone else's work without proper recognition.
The New York Times, AP, CNN and other excerpted a Trump comment as if he called ALL illegal immigrants animals.
The unedited version shows that Trump was referring to the murderous MS - 13 gang.
The New York Times Magazine and CNN shared a story showing children illegally brought into the U.S. in supposedly in cages.
The original article and photos were from the Obama administration.